Working with a major Technology-as-a-Service client that we support with technical staffing, I received word about a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for ITAD and Product Remarketing services. I knew Veterans Alliance Resourcing, Inc. might provide a solution, so I reached out to their president, Mike Schuler, who I’ve known for over a decade from our mutual involvement in CompTIA’s IT Services and Support Community where he was the Executive Council Chairman. I sent Mike the RFP notice and details regarding the contact. That was all. Months later I heard that VAR won the contract. Without any agreement in place for commissions, I started receiving checks from VAR commensurate with a 5% agent referral that Mike explained to me that he had established on my behalf. Since that simple referral to an RFP, I’ve received tens of thousands of dollars for just a call and e-mail to VAR. The team at VAR have since been supportive of other clients I’ve referred to them on transactional deals. Simply put, they are amazing at their execution in supporting my clients and they exemplify integrity and professionalism in everything they do. I enthusiastically recommend the team at VAR for ITAD services as they make being a referral agent both easy and profitable.
Agent - Will provide a direct reference
We chose Veterans Alliance Resourcing, Inc. “VAR” based on their extensive industry experience, thousands of resale connections, and aggressive approach to providing solutions. From the very first transaction, VAR posted significantly higher recoveries on same model comparisons over our prior resale vendor. Additionally, VAR proactively offered numerous cost-saving solutions that ultimately resulted in WWWS awarding them additional ITAD contract work. We highly recommend VAR to anyone seeking a world-class ITAD services partner.
Program Manager - Will provide a direct reference
“Dear Mr. Schuler, many of our clients had asked if we provided buy-back or recycling services but we always avoided those conversations as we really wanted nothing to do with handling the used equipment. However, when you explained that Veterans Alliance handled everything and we wouldn’t have to get involved we decided to launch this service. I’m happy to say that our clients are delighted and they particularly like working with a diversity vendor that is a veteran-owned business. It also doesn’t hurt that in addition to getting money back to our clients, we’re able to offer a little extra in commissions to the sales team. We look forward to doing a lot more deals with Veterans Alliance”.
- VP of Sales – The contact will provide a direct reference
Oil Exploration & Lease Company
“We want to thank the team at Veterans Alliance Resourcing for the work you’ve done over the years in managing our retired computer assets. In addition to the personalized service we’ve received, we’re happy that we’re able to support a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small business as it speaks to our core values. We look forward to many more years of working with Veterans Alliance.” – See Case Study
- Director of IT - Will provide a direct reference
Medical Campus
“As a Navy veteran myself, I really liked the idea of working with Veterans Alliance Resourcing in handling our retired IT assets. You guys have been great and we look forward to doing a lot more with you later this year as we undertake the Windows upgrade project”.
- Director of IT - Will provide a direct reference
Financial Services Company
“We’ve used VAR now over the last few years on multiple pick-ups both when you guys were in Dallas and now in Manor (closer to us in Austin). As our ITAD services partner, we’ve never been disappointed as the level of service, the detailed reporting, and most importantly the data destruction services have always been exemplary. The money VAR paid us on assets that were long ago written off has also been a surprise, particularly to our CFO. Please thank your team and keep up the great work.”
- Director of IT – Will provide a direct reference
Schools & Universities
Trinity ISD - (Texas) School District
"With a decade of accumulated assets at multiple campuses, we were concerned about the high disposal costs quoted by E-waste companies. However, after talking with Veterans Alliance Resourcing, they offered a solution so we awarded VAR the contract. Veterans Alliance Resourcing performed beyond our expectations. Based on our experience, we highly recommend you consider VAR for IT asset management and value recovery services for your school or ISD." – See Case Study
– Barry Coleman, Director of Technology –
Lancaster ISD - (Texas) School District
"We always struggled to get our equipment picked-up without a charge. But with VAR, you not only picked it up for free, but we got $35k back. You guys do great work – thank-you!"
Prosper ISD (Texas)
VAR presents $104,629.50 settlement check to Prosper ISD.
Riverview School District (Arkansas)
After fighting off raccoons, VAR retrieved very old IT assets from a shuttered school being used for storage. VAR presents $8025.18 settlement check to Riverview School District.